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Oficina ministrada no Festival O Brasil em Debate.
Notas da oficina:
Section titled %5Bobject%20Undefined%5D[01] Tech Colonialism Today, Sareeta Amrute [02] Do artifacts have politics? [03] Livro Fundamentals of Software Architecture: An Engineering Approach, Mark Richards & Neal Ford [04] Livro Accelerate: Building and Scaling High Performance Technology Organizations, Dr. Nicole Forsgren, Gene Kim e Jez Humble [05] Accelerate: State of DevOps 2019 [06] How do Committees Invent?, Melvin E. Conway [07] Mel Conway, twitter [08] Postagem citando a frase de Douglas Crockford [09] Lighthouse 6.0 [10] Web Vitals [11] Next Billion Users [12] Playlist do Chrome Dev Summit 2019, YouTube [13] Entrada na Wikipédia, em inglês, sobre a frase Information wants to be free [14] Hackers: Wizards of the Eletronic Age [15] “Hackers” and “Information Wants to Be Free” [16] XKCD: Dependency [17] Livro Working in Public: The Making and Maintenance of Open Source Software, Nadia Eghbal [18] Nadia Eghbal, site [19] The First-Ever Banner Ad on the Web, Adrienne LaFrance, The Atlantic [20] Persistent Client State HTTP Cookies [21] HTTP State Management Mechanism [22] Keeping out the Masses: Understanding the Popularity and Implications of Internet Paywalls: Panagiotis Papadopoulos, Peter Snyder, Dimitrios Athanasakis e Benjamin Livshits [23] Amelia Wattenberger, site | Amelia Wattenberger, twitter e livro Full Stack D3 aand Data Visualization [24] Shirley Wu, site | Shirley Wu, twitter [25] Nicky Case, site | Explorable Explanations e Nicky Case, twitter [26] O que é, de onde veio e para onde vai o SUS, especial no Nexo [27] Headless CMS [28] Stack da tecnologia do Nexo [29] O Princípio Anna Kariênina [30] AWS Well-Architected [31] Minha resenha de “Ruined by Design”